Rebooting Leadership
practical lessons for fronline leaders (and their bosses) in the new world
By Meredith Kimbell, Richard Hadden, and Bill Catlette

Emerging from the ashes of an eight year period that witnessed the outright collapse or systemic failure of Enron, Worldcom, Lehman Brothers, AIG, your bank, my airline, and who knows which auto companies, are a new set of realities and expectations that profoundly impact the way people conduct their lives, their relationships, and their work.
Rebooting Leadership, written primarily for 1st and 2nd level managers (but also for their bosses), provides proven, practical advice for leaders interested in excelling in a world where folks are wrapped way too tight, trust is at its nadir, the deal in the workplace has been turned on its head, and speed is the key differentiator.

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