“Wad some Power the giftie gie us, To see oursels as ithers see us, It wad frae mony a blunder free us…” OK, so if you don’t speak Scots, you…
Author: Richard Hadden
There's No Hacking Leadership
One of my new least favorite words (along with “handcrafted” and “curated”, but that’s another post altogether) is the word “hack”. Not in the old sense of a taxi driver…
Huddles or Hurdles? It's Your Choice
Let’s start with some locker room talk. No, not that kind… This morning, at the Y, I overheard a conversation between two guys who were, like most of the rest of…
The Singular "They", And Other Things That Evolve
Today’s blog post is a video blog. Here’s the video. And a transcript of the video is right underneath it. The longer I live, the more acutely aware I become…
Speaking Each Other's Language
Let’s face it. Communicating at work is tough enough when both the speaker and the listener speak the same native language. Add different tongues to the dynamic and, sacré bleu!…
Guest Post: 6 Tips to Get your Employees Engaged
By Sydney Frazer, Partnerships Manager, Glassdoor Employee engagement is often the buzz among HR circles. You hear about it and you know you should take steps to engage with your…
Good Leaders Look Beneath the Surface
One of the most remarkable people I ever worked with was a bank teller named Donna, at a bank branch I managed early in my career. Donna was a customer…
When it comes to Training, Visibility Matters
I was conducting leadership training for a large public utility, in a rural training facility about 100 miles from the company’s headquarters. The Vice President who had brought me in…
Why Stars Sometimes Fail as Leaders
A bright and promising software engineer, we’ll call him Jay, had made a real mark on his company, developing and innovating some of the most important products and processes in…
Discretionary Effort...When the Show Must Go On
This past Sunday morning at 8:30, a leader named Ashley learned that a key member of her team had called in sick – totally legit – quarantined with the flu,…