In his book, Leapfrogging, Soren Kaplan reminds us that, “the human brain is wired to appreciate positive surprise.” He goes on to say that, when we experience such a surprise, three…
Category: Employee Engagement
Things My Mom Taught Me About Leadership
Over the course of her life, my mother taught me more about leadership than any class I ever took on the subject, or any one boss I’ve worked for. The…

Optimism is an Essential Requirement for Leadership
Earlier this week, in the first game of their NBA Eastern Conference playoff series, the Chicago Bulls, absent three of their star players, traveled to Miami and beat the reigning…
4 Questions to Ask Your Prospective Recruiter
By Erin Osterhaus, Software Advice. It’s hard to evaluate a third-party recruiter in advance. The ultimate test, of course, is whether the recruiter brings you high-quality candidates. But you won”t know…
Fat Bastards Please Report to the Corner Office… Bring Your Health Data or Your Wallet
A recent Huffington Post report highlighted a policy change at CVS Caremark, whereby workers who use the company’s health insurance program will be strongly encouraged, ‘er coerced to get a health assessment…
Back on the Ranch at Yahoo
One needn’t look far this week to hear the cries of anguish, and claims that Yahoo boss, Marissa Mayer is taking the company and its workers back to the stone…
On ObamaCare, Employers, and the Full-Time vs. Part-Time Decision
With full implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (aka ObamaCare) now within sight, every organization with a payroll and a modicum of good sense is getting serious…
Employee Engagement Fundamentals Haven’t Changed
Do you remember your first job? If you”re like roughly half of us in today”s workforce (myself included), you were most likely in your teens, and the job was part-time.…

Everybody Else is Doing It
Last week, in his coming out confession before Oprah Winfrey and a yawning world, cyclist Lance Armstrong implied that, when it occurred, he didn’t feel that his persistent cheating in…
Managers are Appointed; Leaders are Developed
The familiar text tone from my iPhone heralded the message from my nearly 25-year-old daughter this morning: “I am officially someone”s manager now. Ahhh!” Bill and I have said to…