This week I’m recording an interview with Kathy Tuberville, a University of Memphis Fogelman College of Business instructor who has elected to use our book, Rebooting Leadership in an upper level undergrad…
Category: Employee Engagement
Have you noticed lately the regularity with which business and other leaders tend to begin a sentence with the word, “sure”, even if it’s not remotely related to what’s being…
Chikin, Spice, and Authenticity Earlier this year, Chick-fil-A, the Atlanta-based quick service restaurant chain, became the unwitting object of a firestorm following President and Chief Operating Officer Dan Cathy’s direct answer to an…
Whether in Healthcare or Elsewhere, It’s the Culture, Stupid!
Earlier this week, alongside 199 of the brightest, most talented people in the healthcare space, I attended the 2012 Forbes Healthcare Summit. Held at the The Allen Room at Jazz @ Lincoln…

It’s Time to Revisit Absenteeism and Presenteeism
Having recently spent two hours on a plane seated next to a fellow who was clearly too ill to be in confined space with others, I was reminded that the…

The Ding Dongs Wore Suits – How Hostess Lost Its Buns
A couple weeks ago, a good friend asked my opinion on the expected failure of Hostess Brands Inc., the 85 year-old maker of Wonder Bread, Twinkies, Hostess CupCakes, Ho Hos,…

How You Treat Dinged Up Workers is a Big, Dot Deal
Once again, the sports world is abuzz over the treatment of an injured player who, at least so far, has been kept on the bench despite being cleared to play.…
Goal Sharing Leads to Goal Reaching
I’m a big proponent of personal growth. But when, a few months ago, my own person had grown too much, I decided to drop about 12-15 pounds, or about a…

You Don’t Have to Like Change, But…
One thing that hasn’t changed much in the last few years is the popularity of the topic of change. The popularity and relevance of the topic has remained strong because…

Life and Leadership Hinge on Optimism
Whether you are a leader or a follower, your performance (and level of enjoyment) in life hinge a lot on your world-view, specifically whether you see the glass as being…