During their annual peak business season (Nov-Dec), FedEx and rival UPS, between them, deliver about 50 million packages per day, with remarkable on-time regularity, even in the face of a…
Category: Coaching

Building Teamwork One Step At a Time
Too often over the course of this year I’ve heard managers suggest that they can’t fairly be held accountable for measured levels of teamwork in their organizations because of the…

5 Ways Leaders Can Catch Lightning In a Bottle Via the Power of Positive Surprise
What workers commonly expect to happen in a job/from their boss: There will always be a few stars, a bunch of mediocrity, a few slugs, and at least one a-hole.I’ll…

Give Yourself and Someone Else a Holiday Present… An Apology
11.27.20 • memphis A question that I often ask of new coaching clients (business leaders of all stripes) very early in the relationship is, “To whom do you owe an…

Strengthening The Leadership Bench
Nov 8, 2020 • memphis Joe Biden has emerged atop the U.S. presidential scrum not because he has the market cornered on brains and good ideas, but because, in contrast…

You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile
Keynote speaker, Vicki Hitzges was featured in a recent Tweet on @Tim_Fargo ’s page along with the admonishment, “Remember, you’re never fully dressed without a smile.” The advice is spot…

Getting Serious About Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
In the aftermath of George Floyd’s death, corporate America has professed fresh interest in the subject of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI). I’m heartened by that, and especially so to…

COVID19 Leadership Stars
memphis • 10.20.20 Everyone has their favorite culprit to blame for the year 2020 being such an unmitigated train wreck. But, with the battle in mid-stream, I’m not sure that…

Let Her Finish!
Let Her Finish! by Bill Catlette 10.08.20 • memphis Cutting someone off in mid-sentence is not far removed from cutting them off in traffic and forcing hard braking, evasive action,…

Leaders, Are You Adding Too Much Value?
memphis • 9.4.20 In his excellent book, “What Got You Here Won’t Get You There”, author and executive coach extraordinaire, Marshall Goldsmith presents a list of twenty performance disruptors that,…